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Wood Frog

Lithobates sylvaticus

Wood frog.JPG
What it looks like:

It was small and very light. It was tan on its back and legs and had a cream colored belly. On the side of its face and eyes it had a dark brown stripe.

Observed Habitat/Behavior

Found in a little creek by my house.

It was sitting in the shade on a log.



Massachusetts Conservation Status

wood frogs aren’t endangered and are  fairly common.

Massachusetts Native Status

Is it native or introduced to Massachusetts? If it's introduced, is it considered invasive?

Photo/observer: (Chloe B)

Natural History

Wood frogs are found in most of Canada and Alaska, And in New England, the Great Lakes region, and south all the way to Tennessee, Kentucky and northern Georgia. Female wood frogs lay an egg mass of around 1,000 eggs in a pond or pool. The tadpoles are born within two months and then begin to grow into adult frogs. When winter comes, wood frogs will freeze themselves solid. When winter is over, they will start to thaw out and their hearts will start beating again. 

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